Thursday, December 31, 2009

Double Helix

Hi there! =) Just an introduction to why "double helix"?

Well, simple! I am studying genetics and molecular biology, and everything I learn is about the building block of life - cell. Cell is controlled by nucleus, something like the motherboard of computer. And in nucleus, we have DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) which is made up of A (adenine), T (thymine), G (guanine) and C (cytosine). DNA is unique for everyone, but everyone will share the common structure (double helix) and component (A,T,G,C), this is exactly how I look at everyone, we are made of flesh and bones, but everyone is unique and special in their own way.

How often I am amazed by 26 alphabets (A-Z) that gives many combination for words and the combination of words into sentences and stories, so for A,T,G,C that combines uniquely in 3 billions letters that code for the unique individual. Maybe that is the reason I love biology, God has created everything in proper order before we discover the mystery. Like one of my lecturer always said "Can you see the beauty of science?" I believe I do. =) Nothing can happen by coincidence, and coincidence don't happen to make things perfect.

Double helix - The 2 strands of DNA that intertwine and form the double helix structure. In my view will be like interaction of man and earth. God gives us everything on earth and we are suppose to take care of it. When we love earth, you will be amazed how beautiful life is. When we pollute earth, you will only see the scars and destruction human done.

This blog exist to record my path in science and life. Nothing personal, just a reference and learning platform for all. Do point out my error if you notice any, after all, human learn from mistakes. =)

Until next time~ =)

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